There was a three hour long dramatic reading last night sponsored by The
Poets Corner at Saint John the Divine in Manhattan. They read from The Inferno, by Dante.(16 Cantos, 4 in the original Italian). Each canto had two readers. There seemed to be over 400 people in the audience.
Fans entering for the poetry reading were confused and quickly hushed when we realized our entrance for the 9pm Inferno performance was intruding on a still ongoing church service. St Johns was in near darkness following the stripping of the author and extinguishing of sacrament candles. We filed in as the parishioners filed out, a cloud of incense filling the air.
It started at 9pm and I only made it to the midpoint at 10:30 before begging off. Meg did it without coffee but I drank a 16 oz at 7pm and another at 8pm to brace myself for the 32 readers, approaching the lectern one at a time, in the largest stone space in New York, or perhaps America.
The variety of delivery styles kept things lively, even when I occasionally lost the plot of the narrative. [I have no idea what Beatrice did on Dante's behalf, for example. Nor am I sure of the actions of Adam, Moses, and Elijah, who, shockingly, were conceived of by Dante to dwell in the second circle of hell, with the rest of the unbaptized (!!!)]
Being New York the readers were all academics and professional actors. There was much to like in their varied delivery. I liked readers that used hand gestures. I liked readers that had memorized their entire portion and needed no cue. I liked that some had obvious Shakesperean chops while others, equally effective, read Dante like they were onstage at The Moth. I even liked the one terrible reader because it made me fantasize that maybe someday I could get up there to sling a verse or two.
I kept track of my six favorite readers at last Nights 'Inferno'
James A Kowalski Doug Anderson Jean Hollander Lorna Blake
and David Landon & Daniel Hoffman (no pics found)