The Bad Plus make their twice-a-year homestand, this time at The Blue Note. Two shows a night for the week of April24 - 29.
Last time through they had a vocalist in tow. Wendy Lewis changed up the all-dude, no words aesthetic, providing many surprising, often languid, sometimes ironic, always respectful interpretations of FM rock staples, filtered through a stand up bass, capricious drums, and time shifting piano. Highlights of that show were LOng Distance Runaround (a Yes cover) and Lithium (Kurt Cobain on half-speed).
This time through it's back to just the guys. I think Meg is good for coming to one show with me. I'll try to find a friend for the other. If you're reading this and going to be in New York that week drop me a line!
Last year around this time I came close to riding a bus to Toronto to catch TB+ so I am greatly relieved and taking advantage of one of my last chances to see them in New York before I move to Wisconsin.
If you don't know them and want to stream some Bad Plus at , iTunes preview, or Grooveshark, try Physical Cities, Lithium, or Silence is the Reason!